Festivals and Traditions
Throughout the year, there are plenty of cultural events you can experience and in which you can take part.
Urgell people’s enthusiasm, aspirations and desire to preserve their roots are present in the city’s cultural life throughout the year. The city is home to endless fun and cultural activities:
Calderada de Sant Antoni
17 January.
On Passeig Joan Brudieu, locals gather to tuck into stew made by the Brotherhood of Sant Antoni. The day involves a Solemn Mass, during which the Sant Antoni bread is given out, an animal blessing and a tradition known as the Tres Tombs, where the festival’s flag bearers take horses on three laps around the area.
Sant Sebastià
20 January. Local festival.
Local festival On 20 January, Saint Sebastian’s day, La Seu d’Urgell commemorates its devotion to this saint through the Brotherhood that bears his name. Under the ravages of the plague in the mid-fourteenth century, La Seu, like many other Catalan towns and villages, dedicated itself to Saint Sebastian, who was thought to protect against cholera. Apart from this day, the Brotherhood promotes a range of other cultural and popular initiatives, not to mention their important work in recovering the traditional caramelles, sung by a group of nearly 100 singers at Easter. The Brotherhood of Saint Sebastian also takes part in the Good Friday Procession, the ‘tuna’ music group during Carnival, and many other popular and folk events.
Pyrenees Games Festival
For a whole weekend, the city’s Sant Domènec Hall is transformed into a world of play, with games, activities and workshops for all the family.
Easter Procession
Good Friday.
The main streets of La Seu d’Urgell’s historic centre are the stage for the traditional Good Friday Procession. Over the past few years, this popular event has become the biggest in the Pyrenees and one of the most significant of its kind in all of Catalonia. It dates back to 1603.
Els Canonges Medieval Market
First weekend in June.
Can you imagine what everyday life was like in the Middle Ages? ‘The historic centre of La Seu goes back in time. Artisanal products and performances all around, throughout the day.’
Sant Ot
7 July
Local festival. The city’s patron saint.
Sant Cristòfol
14 July.
Patron saint of drivers and travellers. Blessing of vehicles on Passeig Joan Brudieu
Pyrenees Early Musical Festival (FeMAP)
This festival was created in 2011. It is currently made up of 37 towns that put on over 52 concerts all over the Pyrenees.
El Retaule de Sant Ermengol
‘Music and light show in the Romanesque cloister that recreates the life and miracles of Sant Ermengol and the events of the turn of the millennium.’ This piece is performed every August (see dates) in the cloisters of Santa Maria d’Urgell Cathedral.
La Seu d’Urgell Festa Major
Last Sunday in August.
With the traditional Ball Cerdà dance, considered part of Catalonia’s festival heritage.
Sant Ermengol Fair
Third weekend in October
La Seu’s most outstanding fairs include the Sant Ermengol Fair, which encompasses the Pyrenees Artisanal Cheese Fair.
The Magical World of the Mountains
The city is filled with magic during the Christmas holidays. They say that the first Christmas Log, a popular Catalan tradition, came from the woods of La Seu.
Consulta la gran xarxa de Museus de la Seu d’Urgell i la seva comarca.
Coneix el Romànic i la comarca gràcies a la VIA ROMÀNICA
Tres itineraris turístics per conèixer La Seu d’Urgell Medieval.
Una ciutat i una comarca plena de tradicions.
Agenda activitats, esdeveniments i fires de La Seu d’Urgell.
Check out the great network of Museums in La Seu d’Urgell and its region.
Get to know Romanesque art and our region thanks to the ROMANESQUE ROUTE.
Three routes to get to know the medieval side of La Seu d’Urgell.
A city and region full of tradition.
Calendar of activities, events and fairs in La Seu d’Urgell.
Where we are
Opening hours
10 a.m.–2 p.m. and 4 p.m.–7 p.m.
10 a.m.–1 p.m.
From 1 May / Until 1 November